Michael - All About His Achievements

This page...actually it's a website within a website this is where all of Michael's Achievements will be (Meanie and Non-Meanie Related), all new and current information will be on the main website and any older stories will be here on "page 2" as I will call it, I designed this to look like a book because to me this is what it will become. I will be adding more details and filling in the pages over time, so please keep checking back - Paul Carroll, Michael's Dad


On July 10th, 2014 Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia submitted a Congressional Record celebrating Michael and his Meanies

(click picture for larger view)

May 9th, 2014: A picture is worth a 1000 words....

April 1st, 2014: Michael Received a Special Letter From the President of the United States    (click picture to enlarge) 

Check the White House Seal at the top of the letter, you can see it was stampeD

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Website Updated:
November 2nd, 2014